I really enjoyed reading this book. Joe Kissack is a phenomenal example of following God's leading even when it might not make sense to us at the time and when it might be extremely hard.
Three fisherman end up adrift in the Pacific Ocean for approximately 9 months with no provisions - and only a bible brought along by one of the fisherman. When things got tough Salvador turned to his bible and God - to gain comfort and strength. Two others in the boat followed Salvador's lead and took turns reading from the bible and praying. Two other of the fisherman were very negative and they did not survive. Upon returning the surviving fisherman were accused of having eaten the two dead fisherman - but that didn't happen. Once the story of the fishermen's survival became news, Joe felt God nudging him to go to Mexico - he felt that God wanted him to be sure this story was told fully - with the aspects of faith left in.
One small detail in the book is that one of the grandmothers of one of the fisherman - prayed without ceasing for the return of her grandson. She never gave up faith and she prayed without ceasing. How often do we want so hard to fix a problem, to do something to help those in trouble - we want to do something. Yet, we forget the most important thing - to pray without ceasing! Prayer is not inactivity but activity. It is probably the most important thing we can do. Pray without ceasing.
This is a fabulous book - I highly recommend it.