Canopic jars were used by the ancient Egyptians during the mummification process to store and preserve the organs of the mummy. In art class this month, the students are working with clay to make their own canopic jars.

My kids both really enjoyed working with clay.

This is how my youngest's canopic jar turned out. This will be a two part class. The first part was getting the clay shaped. The clay needs to dry and be fired. Then, when we have our next class the students will be able to carve the designs and if they want paint the canopic jars. It has been a great art class and ties in with what we are studying in history.
what a great project!
Isn't it fun! I just love our art teacher.
She loves to tie into other areas and asks each year what we are studying. It is just so awesome. She has been such a blessing to us. She just 'gets' homeschoolers and has been so willing to work with us and even cater to us. I just love her! And she comes up with the greatest ideas for art projects.
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