Here's a good one for you. I came home and found pieces of cardboard on the counter. They were small, scrap like pieces. Hmmmmm - what is this? Where did it come from? (I asked.)
My husband pipes up and says - 'ya, about that. I tunneled in.'
What? You tunneled in where?
We wanted burgers and it is too hard to get them out of the top of the box. So I tunneled in. I opened the freezer and saw --- it honestly looks like a mouse chewed through the box to the goodies inside.

hahaha.. that's hilarious!
Lol! Guys...
It is just such a man thing to do - isn't it!
It certainly made me laugh! :)
Hmmm... I think I am being picked on for my efficient navigation of the freezer.
oh goodness, this is hilarious!
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