My oldest and I are both participating in a Bible study called 'Blueprint for Life'. We are very much enjoying it and it is a great study for high schoolers. It talks about finding your calling. The study is to help us all determine what our calling is and often times our calling will change through out our life as we grow and change.
To back up the study, we read 'The Dream Giver' by Bruce Wilkinson. Fabulous book. It is a parable about Ordinary and how he is a Nobody who leaves the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream. There are border bullies that get in his way (boy do I know about border bullies --- I have had several of those in my life time). He has to overcome the border bullies to pursue the big dream. Ultimately he realizes that it is not the big dream that is important but following the one who gave him the dream - the Dream Giver. Excellent book and I highly recommend it. We had lots to discuss as reading it. It seemed to go along with 'Blueprint for Life' very well. They are saying the same type of thing but in a different way.
Sounds like a great study. The book sounds like it would be a great read. I'll have to try that one.
The study has been really very good. My son likes the accompanying CD's that we listen to. There are really some dynamic speakers. Very thought provoking. I think the best part is that my son likes being part of an adult bible study. He likes it when we don't just treat him like a 'little kid' but treat him like he is older. We have started to do adult bible studies to transition him from the middle school youth group. We do not have a good high school / college youth group at our church and that is concerning. It is a critical age and I don't want to lose my children - it is important they stay connected through those critical years. So we have started introducing adult bible studies as a way to transition him and keep him involved in the church. We have also been looking at another church near us that has a great youth group.
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