The Final Summit - review part 2
I wanted to add this on my review of The Final Summit. First know that while I loved the book I didn't necessarily agree with the author's take on everything in the book. My main concern was this - the place that Gabrielle takes the travelers for the summit, I am assuming is a conference room in heaven. I assume this because there are no fires of hell and there is the bright light that is evident when Gabrielle leaves the conference room. So it might be an anti-room to heaven. The book does not specifically say but it can't be hell from the fact Gabrielle is there and it is not an uncomfortable place.
Now in the story, Anne Frank is one of the travelers who is there in this place to offer advice to Daniel. My question or concern is - how did Anne Frank get there? I know the author is a Christian but he offers no information as to how Anne Frank came to be in heaven or this anti-room to heaven. First let me say that - we as humans are not the judge on this but we are told that one has to believe in Jesus Christ, believe He is your Lord and Savior and that He died for our sins - and that whoever believes in Him shall get to heaven. So again I ask how did Anne Frank get there? Second, let me add that I do believe that faith as small as a mustard seed can suffice --- well I hold out that hope - as I had a grandmother - my favorite grandmother - who up until her dying day was an atheist. She had several days after her heart attack where she was in a comma and I hope that in the place between this world and the next she realized her error - and made amends - and came to faith - even if it is only faith as small as a mustard seed.
Now from history, which is all we have to go on, Anne Frank in her diary never once professed a faith in Jesus Christ. Her family was Jewish so she would not have known Jesus from them. There is a possibility that in the concentration camp she came to know of Jesus from a Christian that was also sent there. So there is that possibility but from all that we truly know from history this did not happen. And if it did not happen then how could the author place her in heaven. Does he believe that being a good person will get one there? Does he believe that because she is a child that God will not hold her accountable yet - there is some truth here as in the bible Jesus says 'let the little ones come to me' and many churches do not baptist infants for this reason. At an age when the child can choose for themselves they are baptized. Anne died at age 15 - so is she still a child or is she at an age where she would be expected to have a belief in Christ?
I do not claim to have the answer to these questions as only God truly knows but am just asking them and questioning the author's rational for placing Anne there. The author offers no explanation. Anne is just there in the story.
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