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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Victory Club

The Victory Club by Robin Lee Hatcher

The Victory Club was really a very delightful book. It follows 4 women during WWII on the homefront. Each has a different story and each reacts to the war in different ways. The four women become friends. Lucy talks the others into joining her one Saturday morning. It become a Victory Club. The concept is simple - they decide that instead of focusing on their own troubles and worries - they will focus on praying for each other, praying for others and doing things to help others. I really like Robin Lee Hatcher's writing style. The book is a Christian book - it has good values -- although not every character is able to live out those values. We just finished studying WWII and this was a nice fun read to follow that up. I recommending reading this - it is quite enjoyable. 

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