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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

book review James and Ephesians by Joyce Meyer

New Bible Study Series.
I have not done a bible study by Joyce Meyer before and I really like her writing style and her thoughts. Her commentary is very insightful. The sections cover just a few verses of scripture and allows you to really delve deep into the word and reflect on the meaning of those verses. Often times, she will back up her points by quoting or referring to other scripture in the bible. I find to be important and meaningful as I will go look those up for myself. I like those connections. I love the layout and while its a small thing - I like the amount of words on each page and in each section - its not overwhelming yet is more than doing a daily devotion. I find I actually do a section or sometimes several section each day. It is easy to stick with it. Plus I am just getting so much out of what she has to say about the verses. 

In each of the books there is space for personal reflection and thoughts. I think this is wonderful and it is important to take the time to truly reflect on what God is saying to me in those verses. Writing also helps to cement the thoughts and ideas for me. This time though I have to confess I am not doing it in the book itself. I took a class on journalling and have a journal that I am utilizing with these studies. It has been so rewarding and I have enjoyed being creative in the journal. I add pictures, thoughts, phrases, words, bible scripture. Often I will take her personal reflection questions and speak to them in the journal. The questions are insightful and on point to the lesson covered. 

I highly recommend both of these studies. This is a link where info about both books can be found

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