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Saturday, October 23, 2010

As promised - the Elephant!

My friend commented that although I talked about the elephant my husband drew in one of our art classes - I didn't post the picture! My husband didn't want me to post it as he doesn't think it is good. He is a very humble guy. But really I think it is very, very good. We did frame it and hung it on the wall with the kids' pictures!


Karies place said...

He is GOOD!! Tell him he's too modest.

Our Blessed Journey said...

I agree, this is REALLY GOOD!

tabrandt said...

LOL -- too funny. I can not believe that she posted it when I begged, pleaded and even tried to give the evil husband eye (I only tried because I am not very good at 'the look') -- sigh...

I love to draw with the kids but honestly this photo tells us much more about Debbie's photographic skills then of my drawing skills, which is why I love my cameras. 8-)