I work part time and have a varying scheduling - which turned out to be wonderful for Mom today and not so wonderful for the kids. Normally, I stay later on Thursdays and so they were not expecting me until after lunch sometime. I walked in at 11:00 and found it was a free for all type of day. Now was that what I had assigned for today?? Absolutely not!!
Both older boys had school work assigned. I had even called at 9:45 a.m. to make sure they were up. They were not. I told the oldest to get up and again - gave him the list of school work to be done. Told him what the middle child should be doing. Yet, still I came home to find all 3 in the oldest boy's room --- oldest boy in bed, covered up and relaxing - with gameboy in hand. Middle boy in chair with feet up on desk with gameboy in hand. And youngest one standing in door way - with look of 'oh crap - we are busted!!!'
Yep you are!! I now have 2 gameboys and 2 ipods. (All electronics removed from their use.) Now they must earn time.
And I have proven and won the argument with Dad. The boys have been whining to Dad that dear old Mom has been loading up the work to the point they never have any free time. The oldest is upset that the weekends are not just totally free of schoolwork. I keep saying that if they got it done during the week then they wouldn't have homework -- and it is just like being in school - kids in school have homework. Dad has been trying to figure out where the problem lies - am I overworking them or are they just not using their time wisely. (Now please understand - in Dad's defense - my personality is one of overachiever. In college I had to have the Dean of Women signature to take the number of credits I took each semester. I almost had enough credits to graduate in 3 years. I actually did go 4 years but that was because I decided to double major since I had almost enough credits to complete both majors. Still I had a light load my senior year. Very light. So there is a concern I would have over done it with the kids' work. All my kids are tracking ahead of their grades in many of their subjects. So I do push them.)
But I have been taking away subjects this year and lightening my oldest' load. Still nothing ever seems to be getting done. Room is a disaster. Homework not done. It has been going on for months. And the lies coming from the children on how hard they are working and on how much they have to do.
I caught them in the act and proved the point to all that the issue isn't the amount of work but the lack of work on their part. Plus the middle child (who is by far - more truthful than the oldest) came clean and admitted 'having fun' and 'playing gameboys' is the reason it took 3 whole days to fill in the battle charts for history. That should have take a good morning and maybe part of an afternoon but clearly should have been completed in a day.
The jig is up. Caught in the act. Mom is lowing the boom!!!!