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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sled Hockey

This was such a fun game for one of my son's team. The team we played - their kids are disabled and they bring the sleds for the teams they play. Our kids had never done this before. It is interesting - mostly because ya really don't think about this - our kids had developed their leg muscles but their upper body isn't as strong - as they don't use their arms to get around. On the sled - the kids utilize more of the arms and upper body muscles. By the end of the game our kids were just tired.

This is what the sled looks like. It has two blades underneath. The kids strap themselves in.
The kids are given two smaller sticks and those are used for both getting around and for shooting the puck.

Our kids did not win the game but this was one of the most fun games they have played. Once in a while the kids would tip over on their sides - they reminded me of a turtle stuck on its back. 'I have fallen and I can't get up.'

1 comment:

Melissa said...

That looks pretty cool. We don't play hockey down here. But I think my youngest son would like it.