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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Class at Botanical Gardens

We split up into a younger kids class and an older kids class.
The older kids class was 'Wild about Wisconsin' and in it they learned about native plants. Plus they learned how the native plants provided food, medicine and homes for the Native Americans as well as the early settlers.
The younger kids class was Autumn Magician. They used all their senses to explore the smells, sights and sounds of nature. It was very interactive and fun.

After the classroom instruction, we walked out into the gardens. The gardens were still full of color. They were beautiful.

This is my middle child! Isn't he adorable!
We finished up back in the classrooms to make paper helicopters!

1 comment:

Our Blessed Journey said...

awwwww, my old neck of the woods--LOVE Boerner--you guys have been busy and having fun!!