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Thursday, October 14, 2010


My grandmother used to always say that in order to really be able to teach something, the person had to be able to do it. She always felt that teachers that spent time out in the business world first made for better teachers as they didn't just teach - they did it first. While I think there is some validity in that principle, I believe this might prove some of it wrong.

It seems that sometimes, one can understand all the concepts and still not be able to achieve success but be able to teach it correctly so others can.

I can't make bread. I kill the yeast every time. End up with a huge, hard lump of non-rising yuk in the oven. It is terrible. Laughable but certainly not edible. Interestingly, I have been able to teach what to do to my kids and using the bread machine they are able to successfully make all kinds of various types of breads. And the bread turns out fabulous!

They measure and mix. And I stay out of the way. And it turns out! Go figure!


Our Blessed Journey said...

you're right--I AM laughing--this is hilarious! I've only flopped one loaf out of many--a cinnamon raisin--always make sure your yeast is refridgerated, and then brought to room temp, just for the sake of making the bread--put the ingredients in exact order--I'm sure you know and do all this:D

Debbie said...

Hmmmm - that might be part of my problem --- I can't say I brought the yeast to room temp. But the kids bread always turn out --- mine never do. And I wouldn't assume anything --- I know the kids follow the recipes that are in this bread book we have. And I stay far far out of the way.

And why they think this is sooooo funny is that I am truly a fairly good cook. I make all sorts of various meals and some can be elaborate. And anything that is cooked without yeast - tends to turn out wonderfully. Anything with yeast - forget it. I am not good with yeast. I think they enjoy it even more now that they have all learned to make bread and do it so well!

I find it interesting that I have been able to teach the kids somehow to do it even though I can't. Hard to figure that one out. It might be that my oldest is just good at following the written directions. No idea.