This was an amazing book. We did this as a read aloud and talked about it as we read. It has some recipes included and at the end of the book the Christmas story is told from selections of Matthew and Luke. The main story is about Timmy who is in the foster care system. He comes to live with Mary and David Holmes. Everywhere Timmy goes he takes a shoe box with Running Shoes marked on it. Everyone wonders what is in the box but Timmy doesn't want to talk about it. When Timmy is finally able to trust God and have faith in Him - he is then able to turn his box over to Jesus. What a heartwarming story. Very endearing. Lots of good things to discuss with the kids.
And the recipes look fabulous. Great ideas to follow up with and talk about while making the various Christmas treats. She talks about her favorite Christmas song being Handel's Messiah. She give the history of the song and how it was created in 24 days - which is (in her words) "nothing short of miraculous". Below is Handel's Messiah - Hallelujah Chorus.
This next one is Handel: Messiah, For unto us a child is born
I Love Handel's Messiah! We went to hear a chorale perform it a few years ago, and it was breathtaking! God's gift of music is such a blessing. He is a God of beauty and creativity!
I would love to hear it performed live. I haven't had the opportunity yet! Maybe someday. Beautiful music.
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