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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nature Center - Winter Sensory class

We went to the local nature center. They do a great job with their educational programs. They rehabilitate injured birds and ones that can't be released back into the wild are used in their educational programs. This is a barred owl. He was amazingly beautiful. It was really great to be able to see one so close.
After the indoor portion of the program, they went outside to check out wildlife in its natural setting. It was just a beautiful day. The snow allowed for plenty of opportunities to see animal tracks.
Doesn't that look cold, cold, cold. Icy cold. That is the beach we were standing on. Doesn't look very beachy - now does it.
We climbed a tower to look around and get a bird's view of things. My youngest went up about 3/4 of the way and decided he was far enough. He was willing to stick around long enough to pose but then he fled down to the ground!
Below is a man made replica of what an eagle's nest looks like. I guess I just never realized how strong and powerful eagles are -- check out the size of the wood used. I asked if the eagles would really be able to fly with wood this large - and they said - oh absolutely. The only thing that this replica has that a real nest wouldn't is that it is tied together with twine. Birds wouldn't do that but as humans (not having the bird's skill and expertise in nest building) they cheated and used twine!


Melissa said...

These are really neat photos! We have a nature conservancy at a nearby university and we were able to tour and experience some of the things you show in your pics. The eagles nest replica at our place is very neat, too. God is so awesome to enable these birds to accomplish what we as humans can not!

Our Blessed Journey said...

very nice! We used to frequent Wehr--may get back into it

Debbie said...

Wehr is just wonderful. We often take walks through there and Whitnall Park. Both are very beautiful. My middle child loves to take pictures of wild flowers as he is out walking. One that he did turned out just spectacular -- we blew it up - printed and framed it - as a Christmas gift for the Grandparents. We try each Christmas to have a nice gift that the kids have made - so it is more personal and more of a memory. This year it was our middle child's photography hobby! It was just an awesome picture - especially for a youngster to have done.

Cynthia said...

You sure do attend some great classes and field trips!

Debbie said...

Thank you Cynthia. We do enjoy getting out of the house and seeing things first hand. My boys love active learning! And we are fortunate that we have quite a bit available in our area.