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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Book Review

The  Gift for all People
by Max Lucado

While this book didn't say anything I didn't know, it did say it in a nice way. He is very thought provoking. 

A few quotes from the book. 

"But God showed his great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:8

Jesus, do you give no thought to saving yourself? What keeps you there? What holds you to the cross? Nails don't hold Gods to trees. What makes you stay?"

It was God's love for us and His grace that made Him stay. He wanted to stay out of love for us. Isn't that just very profound to think about!!! And that is the difference between us and Him. If any of us were in that much pain, and had the power to end it - we would. The pain would win out. Yet, Jesus stayed freely. That is amazing love. 

He also talks about the fog of pain. 

"..Time spent in the fog of pain could be God's greatest gift. If could be the hour we finally see our Maker. If it is true that in suffering God is most like man, maybe in our suffering we can see God like never before." p. 59

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