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Saturday, July 24, 2010

other son

My other son is camping with the older scouts. They are working at Country Thunder. We have had so much rain --- so much. 8 inches in less than 1 1/2 hours the other night. Lots of lightening. Thankfully the scouts did well. The leader made sure to get word back that all the scouts survived the night. We had more storms last night again and into this morning. More rain!! They must be just floating away. The mosquitoes are fierce.

On the positive side, the scouts will be earning money by working Country Thunder. It goes into their scout account to help pay for scouting events they participate in --- like summer camp. They have had some serious weather to contend with though. Very wet, humid and hot.


Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

wow! That is a LOT of rain! Hope they have a great time at camp!

Debbie said...

It was a lot of rain and alot of mud. He had clothes that we had to simply throw away (and if you know how frugal I am - that is saying alot!) But there was no salvaging them.

Cynthia said...

How nice that they can earn money... bummer about the weather conditions though.