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Friday, July 31, 2009

Why we homeschool?

Robin left a comment - in case you saw it - thanking me for sharing with her why we homeschool. She is writing an article and is asking for homeschoolers to give her input. Here is her blog if you care to comment.

I did want to share what I had written about why we homeschool. Her question centered on what do we tell our children when they ask why they are homeschooled. Here was my answer.

My kids haven't asked but they do know why we homeschool - as we have talked about it. We have been asked by others why we homeschool and often my children will give the answer. It is not just one reason but several that all add up to a way of life for our family.

1) We are Christian and believe that in the public schools they have taken God out. We believe that this is sad and that God should be a crucial element of our family, our life style and our schooling. So public school is not a consideration for us but we would have been okay with private school.

2) Further note on the public schools - they are unsafe in the area we live - gangs, violence, drugs, weapons. Very, very bad. Not a place to send an adult much less a child. Even the public schools out in the suburbs around here have issues. Many of my friends who have kids in public schools spend much of their time undoing the bad behavior learned in the school environment.

3) While private school was a consideration in the end we didn't do that. My children know why too. My oldest was in a private school for Pre-K 4 and was constantly in trouble. We thought we had a very badly behaved child until another mom (bless her heart) who was a special ed teacher in her job but just had two children in the class - told us that the problem was the teacher. She didn't challenge my son. Then she pointed out the boards (everything in preschool is on the bulletin boards). He was the first one done with all the accomplishments and many times the only one up on certain boards having completed those tasks. He was BORED.

4) Additionally, the teacher also didn't understand him - she would tell us that he couldn't count to 20. Well, my son at 4 was 'exact' in his language. If you asked him 'can you count to 20?', he would tell you no. Now if that was all you asked that was all you got. But his no meant - no I can count to 200.

My oldest was advanced in his skills but the schools didn't deal with this well. He tended to get bored and then go astray. So he was constantly being punished. He had to stand in the corner alot. (I kid you not!) And one day after getting a note (again) that he had misbehaved - my husband asked him why - and my son said "I don't know why I am so bad." And that was it - right there for us and schools. It wasn't that his behavior was bad but that the environment was set up in such a way that he now was made to feel like a bad person.

If the child is middle of the road in skills, schools can work out but if the child is on the high end or the lower end of skills - schools tend to not be good and it can have a very negative affect on how the child views themselves. It is also my personal opinion that we tend to drug many of these children so that they can sit still for long periods of time.

Further, just moving a child ahead isn't always a good solution. My son was very small for his age and if we moved him up a grade - we believe he would have been picked on. The runt of the class - so to speak. Socially, he was still at his age level. It is not always good to move a child up.

5) After we started to homeschool, we realized that it is a lifestyle. We love being able to incorporate our vacations with our learning. When we were studying the start of our country we went to Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown. When we were studying Lincoln we took a trip to Springfield, Ill. We are able to incorporate more hands on learning and less 'sit at a desk and be bored' learning. I have all boys - they tend to dislike lots of workbooks and love hands on learning. They want to be busy and active.

6) We can do lots of things that are now being cut out of the schools. We can include things like art and music. Many times these are the programs that get cut in schools due to budgets.

7) In schools they teach to the test. I don't -- at all. So we learn for the sheer joy of learning. We also are able to cover science and other subjects in such a way as I feel comfortable - we believe God created the earth - it didn't evolve and we teach science from that perspective. So I don't teach to cover what is on standardized tests as I don't agree with the worldview of the test makers.

For all these reasons and more - we homeschool.
My children do know why we started down this road and why we are staying on this road.

View from the Porch Swing

My son and I are currently doing a bible study together. One of the exercises was to fast-forward to when you are 75, or 85 or 95 ......... Imagine you're sitting on the porch swing looking back on your life. We were then to write all the things that we want to make sure we have done by age 75. These things if left undone, are the ones that would cause you to look back with regret.

The exercise reminded me a little of the movie "The Bucket List".

It was interesting though because my take on this was slightly different (of course).

For me, I was picturing myself in heaven waiting at the heavenly gate for other family members to show up. My regrets would center around that I haven't always felt comfortable talking about Jesus and telling HIS message to certain family members. My regret would be that I ran out of time and therefore I stand there - and they never show up.

My grandmother on my mom's side was an atheist. My husband and I have felt that we are changing the course in our family. My son and I talked about how what we do as a family centers around teaching our kids about Jesus so that they come to know him personally as their Lord and Savior. For both my husband and I will be standing at the gates of heaven waiting to welcome them. That would be our greatest joy.

So what is your view from the porch swing like --- or (since I changed the exercise slightly) what is your view from the gates of Heaven? What do you want to be sure to accomplish? What is your bucket list? Share with me.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Still no releases from our local hockey organization. We have been 'promised' that they would happen as soon as the new President took over on July 1st. It is now almost August and apparently there is a disagreement on the part of board members as to whether or not any releases should be signed at all.

I am beyond ticked. This political stuff is one of the many reasons we no longer want our kids at this hockey organization. It is all about the power plays the board can make and how they can control you. It is not about the kids and that is what any good youth sports organization should be about.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

hockey, hockey and more (you guessed it) hockey

Hockey camps have begun. All three boys are in hockey camp all week. That means Mom and Dad get to drive them back and forth. It is a crazy week and I couldn't handle it well if it weren't for my husband helping out so much. I thank God for a husband who is willing to pitch in and help. He does the early drop off. Once they are on the ice, I am not needed until pick up time. So one child stays with me (okay - honestly we both get to sleep in). I then take him for his practice and pick up the other two. Hubby then leaves work and picks up the last child. It is alot of shagging around but the camps are very good. Good exercise. Great coaches. Lots of fun. Kids are really enjoying them. My youngest came off the ice today and asked if he gets to do this next year. He also wanted to know if he would have the same coach. I guess he really thinks he is great!! That is pretty awesome.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009


Commitment ---- this word has really become an interesting word in today's society.

Webster defines it as an agreement or pledge to do something in the future ; especially : an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date

The definition of pledge is a binding promise or agreement

In the old days a pledge or an agreement meant something. It was your word of honor and short of death you wouldn't break your word. It meant something. Your reputation was at stake. And reputations meant something (that too is something that seems to have changed). People actually did business based on someone's word and it was sealed with a handshake. Now if it isn't in writing, it means nothing. People really don't put any real emphasis on commitments - if things change and other things come up - breaking a prior commitment is okay. It is suppose to be understood that things happen and everything is flexible based on the whim of the moment. But should it be okay? Shouldn't commitments be honored anymore? This topic has been on my mind lately. I have noticed a disturbing trend of commitments not being honored and society viewing it as totally acceptable to break a commitment at the very last minute. Certainly, commitments are not viewed as pledges - where a pledge is defined as a binding promise or agreement. There is nothing binding about something that a person views as 'flexible, and able to be cancelled with little to no notice at the last moment.'

Friday, July 17, 2009

Yes We Can - REALLY???

A change for the better - REALLY???

Unemployment in our area in July, '08 - 4.7%

Now in July, '09 - 9.2%

Thursday, July 16, 2009

quote by Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

more frustrations with TOG

This is just a never ending saga.

Here is the latest thrilling discovery of the new digital version of TOG year 4:

Last year during the redesign process, they put the Poetics and Frameworks on their website - on the Loom. You had to log into your account (therefore, only those authorized were able to get the documents). Then it was downloaded as a PDF file. Many of us do not like reading on the computer screen and we chose to print this document. Depending on what printer a person has and what type of ink utilized, many times it is cheaper to take the PDF file to Kinko's to be printed.

Well, the new change is that everything is now protected by Locklizard and therefore can not be taken to Kinko's to be printed. When I say everything, this also means the whole digital version of the curriculum. On many homeschool yahoo groups there has been talk about buying the digital and taking it to a local printer - possibly just printing certain pages such as the teacher's notes. YOU CAN'T DO THAT! Locklizard prevents it. While we as customers have purchased this product we do not really own it - in my opinion we are renting it for a year. If it was truly mine I would have rights to take it to be printed if I so chose to pay that money.

Interesting take by another company on the frustrations that Locklizard caused their customers can be read here:

In essence it is a balancing act between protecting the author's hard work and yet not causing undue frustrations to customers. What I believe TOG has not learned is that good companies do not tip this balance too far the direction of protection because customers will stop being customers. So far, while the customer service reps at TOG are nice when I share my concerns and issues, they can do nothing about them. This is the direction the company is taking - and that is that. As a customer of TOG for the last 8 years, I can say it is a very bad direction. I used to be such a supporter of TOG that I hosted teas for them. I gained nothing financially but just felt that strongly in the product. Now I blog to warn others away. If you are in the process of deciding between something else and TOG --- please let this tip the balance in the other curriculum's direction. TOG has turned into a product that will give you major headaches.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Worldviews - very interesting

I am reading a new book called The Seven Faith Tribes by George Barna.

It is simply fascinating. In it he talks about worldviews. He defines worldview this way:

p. 13 - "A worldview is simply the mental and emotional filter that each person embraces and uses to make sense of and respond to the world. Everyone has a worldview. Few have thought much about it or where it comes from, and even fewer can articulate the contents of their worldview. But every person's life is a result of his or her worldview. And every nation's character is a product of the cumulative worldviews possessed and incarnated by its people."

I started thinking about this and wondering am I remembering to teach 'worldview' properly to my children. Have I been covering it in such a way that they could articulate it and maybe even defend it. And do I live my life as an example of what I believe? In other words, are my actions, consistent with what I believe my own worldview to be? Do I live it out on a daily basis?

Then he goes on to say (p. 14) "The bottom line is simply this: the substitution of alternative worldviews for the traditional Judeo-Christian version is responsible for America incrementally destroying itself."

Wow that is a bold statement. I am curious to see where the rest of the book is heading. And if what he says is true, then can America save itself? Is there hope? If so many now have different worldviews, does it signal the destruction of America as we once knew it and as the framers designed it to be? Can the America that the framers designed only exist if America's worldview remains Judeo-Christian? Interesting questions to ponder. I am curious to see what answers he has in store in the rest of the book.

More frustrations with TOG

I emailed them back on July 9th to ask to have the pages numbers for the R level literature readings in Poetics and Frameworks for both year 3 and year 4 redesign. I was pretty firm in letting them know I did not want to upgrade my curriculum but just wanted to utilize the curriculum I had and in order to do that I needed to have the page numbers of the assignments. I never did find this information for year 3 redesign and just never did do Poetics and Frameworks last year. Since this year we are in a co-op, I will need to have my son do all the assigned readings as they will be discussed and therefore we need to know what those actual assignments are.

Guess what, I haven't heard from them so far. No response so far. Not very good customer service to have such a long delay in answering a customer's concerns / questions.

I can't tell you how frustrating I find that company to be. I wonder just how long I will have to wait for an answer. I also wonder if I was looking to upgrade if I would get faster service!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

I am Free

Mighty to Save

My oldest son and I are in an adult bible study at church. It is really going well. We are doing this because we are transitioning him. Our church - while wonderful in many other aspects - lacks in our high school ministry. Therefore, I am trying to find other ways to keep him connected. I think he really likes being considered old enough to participate and really likes being in with the adults.

Anyway, the Pastor felt this song really spoke to our bible topic for that day. He brought it in on CD and had copies of the words so we could all sing along. It was a very inspirational way to start our study. I found the song on youtube and thought I would share it. It is really wonderful.

movie - Bella

We watched Bella tonight. While I liked the message - which was prolife - it was a rather strange movie. It jumped around alot from past to present. My husband watched it with me and while we didn't dislike it, I can't say we raved about it either. The over all message was good though.

This was one of the opening lines in the movie.

If you want to make God laugh,
tell Him your plans!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

latest frustration with TOG curriculum

Okay, my latest frustration with the TOG redesign digital -----

They have listed in their R level literature readings in Poetics and Frameworks but in the curriculum it doesn't tell you what information to read. So I emailed them to ask this simple question and the answer I got back was to check out their new Beta Version DE. Excuse me????

I just want to have the page numbers to read so I can schedule the readings for my son. If I wanted to go so far as to have to decided what belongs with each week I would write my own curriculum and not buy a curriculum. I feel this is an assignment in the current curriculum I own and that it should clearly tell me what that assignment is. I don't feel I should have to 'figure it out on my own'. And more importantly, I shouldn't have to pay for a new version to get the reading assignments listed plainly --- with page numbers.

I read their response to me and was furious. I had to wait to respond and ask the same question again - this time clearly letting them know I am not interested in buying an upgrade but just wanted to know the page numbers of the reading assignments listed in my current curriculum. Too much to ask???

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Painting project part 3

Two of the walls are painted. We realized as we were looking at one of the walls we needed to fill in a few more nail holes. Honestly with 11 years of holes to file in it is amazing we only missed a few!!

Resting and contemplating how to do the next two walls with so much furniture in the way. This small room houses a bunkbed, two dressers and a bookcase. Lots of stuff to shuffle around to paint.
By the way, my contribution to this project was to thoroughly clean the room so this project was even possible (I did that on my mom time with the kids away!). I also helped pick out the border. The matching paint my kids and husband picked out. I am not good with matching paint colors. I can give a general idea of what I want and my husband is great at running with it. He makes it work. I love him for that!!

I did get asked if I was going to actually help paint. So far I have been blogging about it - no painting.

Pioneer Village

This is how water was carried from the wells to where it was needed.
This box was filled with charcoal (charred wood pieces) from the fires. It was left outside where rain water could run through the box. A bucket was put at the end to catch the water. This was how lye is made and lye is used to make soap.
Cutting wood was a chore!! And not an easy one. It took lots of strength and lots of time. Enough wood to last the whole winter would need to be cut during the summer. It was a big job. Interesting - they let the kids practice cutting to see how hard it is - this cut in the log was started over two years ago and it has yet to be cut through. Amazing since they have lots of school field trips to this place. Just shows how difficult cutting wood by hand is - we take all our power tools for granted. We should really be very appreciative that we don't have to work this hard.
Washing clothes

Even playing the piano was work. This one had foot pedals that had to be pumped to make the sound - it is almost like running while sitting down and still trying to play the correct notes with your hands. It truly was a workout!! It is hard to imagine anyone being 'fat' in the pioneer days. They literally got a workout in every activity they did!!!
He was showing the kids how the beds were not all that comfortable. It was a rope bed with a mattress stuffed with hay (very scratchy). The top quilt was beautiful though.
This was the General Store.

Here the kids got to learn about some of the equipment used on the farm.

Stony Hill Pioneer School

In the first part of June we took a field trip to see a pioneer school house. It was really a neat experience. The kids really enjoyed it. Here are some pictures from that trip.

Work was done on slates. The kids all got to practice their writing on slates and with a quill pen on paper. The desks has ink wells with ink in them.

Each of the grades were required to study their lessons individually and then give their answers orally in front of the class. JJ (my youngest) is pictures above and JL (my middle child) is pictured below. JJ was the only one in his class and we were all amazed he went up alone. He did not want me to 'tag along'. He felt he was just as big as the big kids and the big kids didn't take Mom up to the front of the class - so neither did he. By the way - he got all his answers correct. Impressive. It was a math lesson and he did very well - both speaking in front of the class and with figuring out his math problems. Good job, JJ!!

Painting project has begun part 2

Okay we couldn't take the whining and we let them both paint a little.

Old World Wisconsin

Due to the economy many state and local parks are offering free days. Mondays in June were free to go to Old World Wisconsin and we couldn't pass that up. It would have normally run us about $47 for the kids and I to attend. What a fabulous thing to get in for free. We took a cooler with lunch. I also brought water bottles filled with ice and extra water to continue to replenish our water bottles. This way the field trip only cost us the gas to get there and back - which wasn't too bad since the price of gas has come down.

Here are some of the pictures from our trip to Old World Wisconsin.

Carding the wool

Sure washing the clothes seems like FUN when it is done on a field trip but if they were asked to wash clothes this way all the time - I am thinking it would no longer be 'fun'.
Things I am thankful for - washing machines (ours by the way is making a horrible sound and I smelled smoke - not a good sign - we are calling the repairman tomorrow). Maybe we will end up washing this way for awhile (ya think?! - not!!)

The cobbler was teaching how shoes were made.

JJ got to practice rolling dough. While this is something done in the past, it is also something we currently do. My kids and husband love sugar cookies.

posing for pictures

Is it just a boy thing? Whenever I ask them to get together for a picture they have to do some sort of crazy pose and / or some sort of facial grimace or they all 'make a face', stick out their tongues or something else equally inappropriate. This is one isn't too bad.

Painting project has begun

We went and picked out a border and paint for the younger boys' room this morning.

Now the painting project has begun!!!
What a way to spend the holiday weekend (snort).

Here JL is taping the windows.
Here JL is taping the windows and our youngest is looking on - he thinks he is helping! He desperately wants to paint. My husband doesn't think it is a good idea to have him helping paint when the room is carpeted. (Ya think?! I am picturing blue paint on beige carpet.)
Below is my hubby painting. He hates his picture taken so I am sure this picture will get 'removed' shortly --- he has all my passwords. So honey if you feel the need - go ahead and remove the picture - but I think it is a wonderful picture - you look very handsome! Plus I love a man in action!

Thank you for doing the work! The kids and I appreciate it. I honestly have to confess that I don't think this room has been painted since we moved in to the house about 11 years ago. Sad but true --- and it shows. The walls are just very beat up looking. Soon to be rectified though. Yah!

Book Review - Three Weeks with My Brother

Another fabulous book by Nicholas Sparks. This one was co-authored with his brother Micah Sparks.

I was amazed by how much adversity these two have faced and yet they are very close. They remained close through the adversity - fighting for each other, praying for each other and lifting each other through the tough times. I wish so much for siblings that would be that kind of friend. It saddens me greatly that my sisters really are just not that way. When I was down and lost two babies - one of my sisters saw it as an opportunity to kick me. I was down for the count so she came to finish off the job. It was very sad. I still pray for her but really to this day want nothing to do with someone so vicious. I envy his close relationship with his brother but find that no matter how much I pray for that - it just isn't happening in my world. I remember when I realized that I would probably never have that - it almost felt like a death - the death of a dream - the death of an ideal. It sadden me greatly.

A great book. It really shows adversity and how one can rise above it as these two brothers have. I enjoyed reading about their relationship.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Mom time

I have to add to my list from yesterday - since they were gone for a whole 24 hours --- I also got to READ - until late in the evening. Peacefully read and then sleep in until some unbelievable time that I care not to even admit to - but it was simply fabulous.

And I have gotten to blog and catch up on some friends blogs.

All in all a great 24 hours. But I am now excited - my family is coming back early to meet me at my parents. We are grilling out and then watching the fire works together. A great ending to a great two days.

(Plus my husband said that since I cleaned the boys room so well now might be a good time to paint!! It really needs it!! Hopefully, we will get to that tomorrow.)

curriculum review - update

Cynthia ---- you had left some good comments and I wanted to explain further.

I should state that you can get licenses for all your existing computers - and so you can have the copy on all your computers. They are selling it as a family license and not a license per computer. My issue is that the company itself has stated it is not in a good place financially and is on the edge of whether or not to close their doors. The problem with their new digital is that it requires their doors to be open for it to be usable and supported. In 4 yrs when we all have newer versions of computers and have newer operating systems - the existing digital format most likely won't be compatible and won't work. If they stay in business they will issue upgrades but chances are they will charge us for that. So I feel I have a product that I have paid for that I can utilize for one year. And it is an expensive curriculum for that.
That is why I want a printed version. It is mine and I can always see it and read it. It is not dependent upon a company staying in business. It is not dependent upon software working. I can still read it when the computer crashes - and they do that!! Further, I simply find their interface to the digital product to be cumbersome and inefficient. They are so worried about someone stealing their product that they are penalizing all of us with their security traps. My husband who is in computers for a living has looked at the product and flat out said it is a 'stupid way to set things up' and customers don't like having to do those steps.
message you get:
Further complaints I have are that things are not explained well to the customer and what is explained keeps changing to the point where I never seem to feel I have a grasp on what end is up - such as the Loom. It used to always be on their website during the year of the re-design. Now that we are downloading the digital they made it part of the digital packaged but never told the consumer that. When you go on their website and click on the button it just comes up with an error message. I finally had to ask them about that and they said it was now on the loom tab on the digital version. Interestingly, when you click on that tab, here is the

The Loom

Since this is a year-plan in production, all your Loom documents are available online on the Tapestry of Grace website.

The Loom is a crucial resource that acts as a framework for your Tapestry year-plan. Click on the section headings (below to the left) to see the documents available for that section.

It flat out says that the Loom is on their website but then says it is available below and to click there. But the first message would lead you astray and it is the one in bigger, bolder print. So many of us never got to the fine print but went to the website as that is also consistent with what we did last year.

Again, if their intent is to confuse and misdirect the customer --- thereby frustrating the customer to no end - they have been successful. No one likes to feel stupid but trying to figure out where they have 'hidden' things now is frustrating and makes one feel like an idiot. Plus it is time consuming because then I have to call, I get told where it is and it seems like I should have figured it out as it was in front of my face but with all the confusing information - is it any wonder I am confused. And it is a change from what they did last year with the Loom for Redesign. Basically using their product makes me feel stupid because it is like a maze to see what did they did with the information this time and am I smart enough to read past their inaccurate messages to figure it out. I just don't feel I need to be THAT challenged by my curriculums.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Mom time

What a wonderful gift my family gave me!!!


Isn't that fabulous!!

Although, my husband laughed when I talked to him on the phone today - he called to see how I was doing and he called just to say hi. I love that. I told him all that I had gotten done today - feeling rather proud of myself. He laughed and said that what I do when completely alone without the kids is totally different than what he would think to do.

Okay - here is my list ---

  • many loads of laundry
  • cleaned the bathroom
  • cleaned the kitchen
  • vacuumed the whole house
  • rearranged the furniture in the youngest kids bedroom
- this entailed cleaning under the bed and kicking out the dust bunnies that were large enough to take on the dogs and win.
- it also resulted in a huge bag of garbage being hauled out
- dusting
- washing unidentified spots on rug that were previously hidden by the bed (yuck)
  • washed all the sheets for all the beds in the house and re-made the beds.
  • made tuna casserole for myself as a treat - as only my oldest son will eat it - everyone else thinks I am poisoning them when I serve it
  • swept the basement floor
  • cleaned up the oldest child's bedroom (yes he is old enough to do this himself but if I wait for him - honestly things could start growing in there and walking out on their own) So I ventured in and was rewarded with dirty clothes everywhere. Once those were picked up the room was actually surprisingly organized - it was just hard to discover that until the layer of clothes was gone.
  • Spent time doing planning for next school year - actually feel great about the headway I have made in this area. Feel like I have the first 9 weeks fairly well planned. Still need to print it out - as I ran out of paper (go figure!).
  • And I got to talk on the phone (uninterrupted) with a good friend and my parents. That was nice actually!! It is a real treat when I can go to the bathroom and / or talk on the phone uninterrupted. That alone makes for a victoriously good day, right there!!

Curriculum review

I have struggled with whether or not I should write and post this curriculum review. We have used Tapestry of Grace for 7 years - next year will be our 8th year. I have bought all 4 years of the Classic version and was very happy. When the Redesign came out I really had no intention of buying the new version but we ran across a virtual co-op and wanted to try it. While the co-op did not require us to purchase the new redesign I found that it was too vastly different to participate in the co-op with our family being the only ones utilizing the Classic version. So we bit the bullet and bought the redesign. We were in year 3 and that was still in development last year. So therefore, we paid up front for the whole curriculum but were to be receiving it in units as the year went on. The company had financial issues and couldn't deliver the paper copy of the curriculum on time. On the other hand, they did deliver a digital version on time. We were completely happy with the efforts the company made to make sure we had our curriculum so that our school year could continue. Eventually the paper copy did arrive. We felt the company really did wonderful.

Now we are in year 4 and again - it is still in the process of being redesigned. Due to the financial difficulties the company is only offering a digital version. Unfortunately, it is not what I want. Basically, we do not really 'have' anything in hand. While it is a download, if the company goes under, we do not 'have' a product. It can't be transfered from one computer to another so if our family sells our computer - we have lost our copy of the product. As long as the company is in business they will help you put it on another computer.

Personally, I feel far more comfortable with a printed copy. It is mine. I have it in my hands and even if the company goes out of business, I have something in my hands. Computers fail, technology changes - but print is always there.

Now, I honestly feel that I have paid for a product that I will not be able to utilize beyond this year.

The company does offer a way to get the product in print but you have to purchase both the digital and print. The price to purchase the product in print is really the price to purchase two curriculums. The customer service rep. at TOG admitted that this was true although she thought it was a good thing. I think she phrased it as 'it is really wonderful because for that price you really are getting two curriculums'. Yippie - I just want year 4 redesign in print. No digital. Digital benefits TOG but not me as the consumer. I don't feel I need to pay for two curriculums especially when I already own year 4 in Classic. And yet they aren't listening to the customer. There is no price for just getting year 4 redesign in print. It is disappointing that after so many years as a loyal customer, TOG has (in my opinion) stopped caring about the customer.

So I have bought just the digital version and hate it. I can't take it to a park and plan while the kids play. I am stuck to the computer. I like to 'see' a whole page at a time - and that won't show up on my computer screen - well it will but it is too small to read. Plus, as usual I had difficulties getting it up and running. The difficulties were all on TOG's end. Since I own Classic I get a discount on the redesign. The only way to take advantage of that discount is to call the customer service to place the order. Orders that don't come through the internet don't get automatically entered and so they don't get a license. Therefore, I could download the product but couldn't view it as I wasn't granted access. I had to make 2 calls to customer service and eventually got referred to the computer tech. -- before they got it working.

Again, it just reaffirms my belief that the digital is a hassle and that print is easier. When I order the print version, it just shows up - and it works. Digital took 3 phone calls - 1 to order and 2 to try to get it working. It was a huge waste of my time.

While I still feel TOG is the right solution for our family for other reasons, I do feel entirely frustrated by the company, the company's actions of late, and by the digital product. I no longer feel I can honestly recommend this product to others.