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Friday, July 3, 2009

Mom time

What a wonderful gift my family gave me!!!


Isn't that fabulous!!

Although, my husband laughed when I talked to him on the phone today - he called to see how I was doing and he called just to say hi. I love that. I told him all that I had gotten done today - feeling rather proud of myself. He laughed and said that what I do when completely alone without the kids is totally different than what he would think to do.

Okay - here is my list ---

  • many loads of laundry
  • cleaned the bathroom
  • cleaned the kitchen
  • vacuumed the whole house
  • rearranged the furniture in the youngest kids bedroom
- this entailed cleaning under the bed and kicking out the dust bunnies that were large enough to take on the dogs and win.
- it also resulted in a huge bag of garbage being hauled out
- dusting
- washing unidentified spots on rug that were previously hidden by the bed (yuck)
  • washed all the sheets for all the beds in the house and re-made the beds.
  • made tuna casserole for myself as a treat - as only my oldest son will eat it - everyone else thinks I am poisoning them when I serve it
  • swept the basement floor
  • cleaned up the oldest child's bedroom (yes he is old enough to do this himself but if I wait for him - honestly things could start growing in there and walking out on their own) So I ventured in and was rewarded with dirty clothes everywhere. Once those were picked up the room was actually surprisingly organized - it was just hard to discover that until the layer of clothes was gone.
  • Spent time doing planning for next school year - actually feel great about the headway I have made in this area. Feel like I have the first 9 weeks fairly well planned. Still need to print it out - as I ran out of paper (go figure!).
  • And I got to talk on the phone (uninterrupted) with a good friend and my parents. That was nice actually!! It is a real treat when I can go to the bathroom and / or talk on the phone uninterrupted. That alone makes for a victoriously good day, right there!!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

I'm the same way! I can whip through so many things in a quiet house! It's truly a gift to have some time to just get back to the starting line (LOL)!