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Friday, June 18, 2010

Thankful Fridays

I didn't get a chance to do Thankful Fridays last week but want to continue with it. I know that often it is easy to think of the glass half empty instead of half full. I want to change that focus and be grateful for all the blessings we have.

1) I am thankful for my husband's job and for the company he works for - they are so employee friendly and have been simply wonderful to my husband during his time of being laid up. They even have a scooter available for employees to use and will bring it down to my husband's desk - if he decides he needs it for a day or half a day or even a few hours. And they will come pick it up when he is done. So far he hasn't utilized it but it is a comfort to know it is available.

2) I am thankful for my parents who are taking my oldest for a week of camping and fun. He has helped out at home so much and deserves to have so time to himself for fun and relaxation.

3) I am thankful for my job where the hours are so flexible. I have been able to balance taking care of my family's needs along with still being able to work. It has been wonderful.

4) I am thankful for the local ballpark where I volunteer - and a percentage of the sales I make go to help pay our hockey ice fees. It is such a blessing to have this opportunity and not have to come up with the money out of pocket.

5) I am thankful for the wonderful fresh fruits and vegetables of summer. I just love eating fresh veggies and fruit. They taste so good when they are in season.

6) I am thankful for our virtual TOG group. Wonderful moms, wonderful kids. It has been such a blessing to have the group. It has helped my son grow and learn so much. He loves the interaction with other students his age.

7) I am thankful for chocolate - because what mother could live without it!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

GREAT list! Isn't it wonderful that you can do some volunteer work to offset real expenses! BRILLIANT!

Do you have a garden? I'm not sure our garden will produce much with as cold as it's been around here so far this summer.

YEA for chocolate!

Are you on Facebook? I'm trying to match up my blogging friends to FB friends which is sometimes hard to do since I don't always know the last names of bloggers.