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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I have been so busy lately - my head is spinning.

To help pay for hockey, I work concessions stands at the local ballpark. I volunteer through our local hockey organization --- and the money I earn goes to pay our ice fees. It is a fabulous way to make extra curricular activities like hockey affordable. I really enjoy it. I signed up for games for this season back in January when I had NO IDEA that my husband would be incapacitated. I worked Tuesday night, Wed. during the day and this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

This was okay when we had planned on having a second driver in the family. Grandpa came to take all three to swimming lessons Tuesday night. These ended up being cancelled due to 'poop in the pool'.

Funny story - my 6 year old came in and Tom said what are you all doing home so early?

The 6 year old says ' poop in the pool, Dad.' My husband says 'what - you're 6 and you pooped in the pool??" (Shocked and dismayed!)

"No Dad. (sarcasm dripping in his tone - as if to say how could you think that, Dad?) Some kid in the earlier class pooped in the pool so classes were cancelled."

Oh okay then.

At least Grandpa got fresh home-aide Vegetable Beef soup and corn bread. Plus time with the grandkids. What could be better!

Here was my schedule yesterday:
7:15 am get up --- dress and make soup - chop all the stuff and throw in slow cooker. (Have husband set the slow cooker as I have yet had time to figure the new fangled thing out yet!)

9:15 leave for doctor apt.

9:45 Tom's doctor apt.

10:45 - done - leave for J's doctor's apt.

12:00 - fly home to drop off J and Tom - pick up other two for piano lesson.

12;30 to 1:30 piano lessons - drop off and run to Walgreens to get prescriptions filled (doctor put wrong date on slip - Walgreens needs to call to get verification - so leave - and will need to come back later)

1:45 - 3:00 --- home - do the dishes, pick up the house a bit and then have a few minutes to rest. (Thank God!)

3:00-3:30 get read to go to work

3:30 - leave
Gone until 10:30 at night - and on the way home pick up prescriptions.
Shower, load of wash and bed.

And that was just one day. My head is spinning just typing it out.

A Cartoon of a Man with His Head Spinning - Royalty Free Clipart Picture


Cynthia said...

EGADS! Hang in there. I have seasons like that as well. Fortunately, for me, spring is fairly quiet. I need it after our long fall and winter...

Debbie said...

Well normally spring and summer are my 'quieter' times --- as hockey is not in season. So I firmly believe that God had this happen now vs. during winter time - He knew my breaking point and knew that winter time would be way tooooo much for me to handle alone.

Still, had we KNOWN and PLANNED for this surgery - we wouldn't have had the kids sign up for certain things like swimming lessons - which are important but can be done at a later time when things are better. As it is I have already paid for them so it seems like we should try to go.

All and all though I seem to be surviving. I can't wait for him to be able to drive again though. I think it will be hard having to drive him to work and pick him up. Still hoping to find a buddy for him to drive with.